Through the tools of Yoga, Holistic Sexuality Education and Integrative Therapy, I guide women to discover, own and live from the truth of their inner experience physically, emotionally, mentally. With me, a woman learns practices and rituals to live this embodied truth as a woman, mother, lover, in sisterhood and all her life’s vital work. I teach workshops, private sessions and lead sisterhood circles where women discover greater strength, ease and joy; radiant wellbeing. This is what I call living “from the core”. 

I am a YA E-RYT-500 certified yoga teacher, Holistic Sexuality Educator, Urban Zen Integrative Therapist and thriving single woman and mother of four amazing humans residing in NYC and Sag Harbor in The Hamptons.

My life has always been a living practice.

My journey from the Midwest to Wall Street, from corporate America to entrepreneurialism, from business school to yoga training to sex ed, student to educator, from marriage and motherhood to thriving as a single woman and mother of four is a wild, extraordinary ride, and I wouldn’t change a moment of it!  

My path

My path has always been built on enthusiasm, curiosity and self-study; marked by beautiful cycles of challenges, successes, learning and integrating. After years as a dedicated yoga student, I became a yoga teacher, mentor and Urban Zen Integrative Therapist teaching yoga asana, breath, meditation, philosophy, restorative yoga, essential oils and Reiki.

Over years of teaching, I saw one consistent area of confusion in most students; the pelvis. The area from our belly button to our groin is a sacred and powerful space, yet perhaps the most misunderstood and blocked part of the body.

My philosophy

We mythologize, shame, hide and/or hypersexualize this vessel which is the very source of life and creativity. No wonder we’re confused! As a woman who brought four humans into the world through this sacred space, not without pain and injury, I felt the call to focus my teaching here; Yoga for the Pelvis.

Why I teach holistic sexuality

Through this focused work with my clients, my personal life experience as a woman and a mother whose brood reflects more than one ray on the LGBTQIA+ rainbow, another theme emerged - One which is not fully addressed by the methods of yoga - Sexuality. So I once again began studying, practicing, integrating and teaching. I uncovered a deep sense of one truth that we struggle to embrace in a healthy, balanced way: Human beings are sexual beings, and we are living in an evolving landscape of gender and sexuality.

Our Sexuality - How we feel about and experience our body, desire + pleasure, reproductive system, identity, emotions and intimate relationships pierces virtually every layer of our being and is influenced by every domain of our life.

My approach to wellbeing, that allows us to discover and live from our core, uses this integrated model including Holistic Sexuality.


With Gratitude…

I have immense gratitude and respect for my main yoga teachers Colleen Saidman Yee and Rodney Yee, my pelvic floor yoga teacher Leslie Howard, and my Holistic Sexuality Education teachers at The Institute for Sexuality Education and Enlightenment.

Hear about my journey to this work in this episode of The V Hive


Yoga Teacher - YA E-RYT-500

Urban Zen Integrative

Breath + Meditation

Essential Oils +
Bach Flowers




Are you living your life ‘from your core’? Are you ready to take the journey there? Enter your email address below to receive my guided questionnaire for reflection and inquiry.